Saturday, September 24, 2005

I'm back!

I got back to New York from San Francisco late last night. By the time I got into the house, it was 1:30 AM, but it still felt like 10:30 so I couldn't get to sleep right away and ended up going to sleep at 3:30 AM (which felt like 12:30 since my body was still running on California time). Of course, I paid the price for that this morning when I had to wake up. I hate jet-lag!

My speech went extremely well at Oracle OpenWorld. I had a good audience, who were very attentive. They laughed whenever I made a joke, and took notes while I was talking, and afterward I had several come up and tell me my presentation was the best they'd seen in the whole conference. Hopefully at least one or two of them will convey the same sentiment to Oracle and maybe they'll invite me back again next year. Who knows... :)

Anyway, now I'm back, and back to blogging about what's going on in the world. I'll be putting up a new post in the next day or so.